Enhancing investments in early childhood is critical as these years form the foundation for building human capital along the life course. In this regard, the African Early Childhood Network (AfECN), in partnership with the Government of Tanzania, the Tanzania Early Childhood Development Network (TECDEN) and other partners will be convening the Eastern Africa Regional Early Childhood Conference to provide a platform for taking stock of the status of early childhood in the region and sharing knowledge and learning on how to take innovative models of quality early childhood interventions to scale. The conference is expected to bring together a diverse group of early childhood actors, including policy makers, researchers, CSOs, academia, funders, early childhood practitioners, and government ministries, departments, agencies to discuss and make concrete deliberations on early investment trajectory in Eastern Africa.
The conference provides an opportunity to:
The conference sub-themes include but are not limited to:
Conference participants will comprise government officials, national ECD networks, development partners, civil society organisations, academia, global ECD experts, ECD practitioners and programme planners from eight countries in Eastern and horn of Africa region and AU Regional Economic Communities.
This will be an in-person conference to maximise on conference attendance and participation by stakeholders from across the region and beyond. It will also provide an opportunity for networking and learning among participants and offer grassroot organizations a chance to showcase their work in the exhibition booths available at the conference venue. The conference will be organized in different sessions to provide participants with diverse sub-themes in areas that may interest them.
The conference sessions will be organised as follows: